Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Big Apple

At the beginning of January I took a trip to New York City to visit Betsy and Greg. I was a little worried about being on my own for most of the time since they were both going to be working during the days, but I ended up having a great time exploring the city on my own. There was plenty to do during the day to entertain myself, and then in the evenings we went out for dinner and saw the sights near their apartment in the West Village. They were the most amazing hosts ever and really wanted to have the full "I'm on vacation" experience with me. :) Thanks so much, you guys!

I flew the red eye, and after a restless sleep and a little bit of air-sickness I woke up to see this. What an amazing start to a vacation...

These photos were taken just a few blocks away from Betsy and Greg's apartment on my first night.

On the second night we went to one of Betsy and Greg's favorite places, a Cuban restaurant called Boca Chica. Mmmm.... After dinner we walked around and went to a really delicious pastry shop for dessert, and then to the famous Strand Books to see the miles and miles of books they sell.

During the days I spent most of my time wandering around by foot and on the subway. I only got lost on the trains one time! I called Greg for help but figured it out before he had to give me advice. :)

One day I decided to go to MOMA, especially since I really enjoy going to museums on my own more than with others, and I didn't make it there on my last New York trip.

This was a cool exhibition that took up a huge wall. I took a lot of photos at the museum, but looking back on them, they seem pretty boring as pictures. So I won't bother. ;)

Looking out the window at MOMA
. On this day it was foggy and little rainy, but it was actually sunny and relatively warm the rest of the time I was there, which was so lucky!

One thing I really looked forward to on my vacation was a big night out dancing, and luckily I got my wish! We went out with a few of Greg's friends in Chelsea and stayed out late (I wish I could say it was all night, but we definitely didn't make it). We lucked out and didn't end up having to pay a cover, which is really rare, so I knew it would be a good night.

Kelsey came to the pre-funk at Betsy's place!!

The New Yorkers!

Big dance party, Night At The Roxbury style

The next day was a little rough, so we drove to Brooklyn for some pizza. Last time I went to New York, i was INCREDIBLY disappointed in the pizza, which all seemed to taste like Sbarro (in the mall...) so I was ready for some real New York pizza this time.

There we go... Does that make your mouth water or what? It was just as good as it looks.

Greg and I at Grimaldi's

Brooklyn Bridge


Obligatory Central Park photo... Unfortunately my camera battery died right when I got to Central Park, so this is really all I got. I went to visit Isis, a friend from high school, and we walked around the park as the sun went down.

I found this place incredibly disturbing. I saw it on my last day, when we walked down the street to get some amazing New York bagels (bagels, unlike pizza, are something New Yorkers just can't seem to mess up on. They are all delicious!)

I ended my trip in Harlem, with a lunch at a Soul Food restaurant and shopping at H&M with Betsy, Vidhi, and Kelsey. It was the perfect end to a trip, minus the mad rush back to Betsy's to grab my bags and frantically get to the airport. When I got to my plane they were already almost done boarding! I almost get stranded in New York... which would have been perfectly fine with me.

1 comment:

BumpityBump said...